

Her mother is dark vermillion,

Her aunt coral blue.

Her uncle yellow and black

Like the dead cat

In the ditch after the rain.

She speaks aloud to her dead father,

The moon, the sun, the stars,

And the river.

"John Talisker’s Heather is a slow-burning, atmospheric, and strangely troubling tale of an extraordinary young girl and a disparate group of family members over the course of a life-changing summer. It is a quiet yet powerful story of a young girl with the courage to be different." — Independent Book Review

"...A story of sorrow and love and loneliness. John Talisker has written a magnificent novel in Heather; an unforgettable story with a happy ending at 5 Stars!" Jim McKeown, Likely Stories

"I think it says something very good about a novel when you’re not sure where you are going next but you can’t wait to turn the page and find out." — Amazon Review

"There is also another main character in this story, the beautiful environment of Wolfe Island near Kingston. The descriptions of the flora, fauna, the landscapes and the waters are beguiling. A great read. Don't pass it up!" — Amazon Review


Heather is a story about an extraordinary young girl, her aunt, and her abusive uncle living in lonely isolation on a remote island, but at another level, it is about change, beautiful things, frightening things, and dark shadows that exist within us that are impossible to overcome. The story, which leans toward magical realism, is sometimes frightening, sometimes sad, often magical, and always beautiful. In the end, you might fear what Heather is capable of and may not understand who and what she has become, but you can't help but love her to bits because, despite the differences, she is one of us. 


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The Sun Egg by Elsa Beskow 

Heather's state of mind...

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wildflower

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour


William Blake, Auguries of Innocence, 1803

Author's Note:

Wolfe Island is located where Lake Ontario turns into the St. Lawrence River near the internationally renowned Thousand Islands, an archipelago that straddles the Canada-US border. It can be accessed by the Wolfe Islander III ferry from Kingston, Ontario. It is a beautiful part of our planet and well worth the visit.